Total number of publications: 62
Reactants Mixing inside the In-Capillary Nanoreactor: Utilization of Longitudinal and Transverse Diffusion
Year: 2011, type: Requested lectures
Application of short-end injection capillary electrophoresis mode for assessment of drug stability against human liver microsomes
Year: 2010, type: Requested lectures
Determination of drug stability against human liver microsomes by utilization of short-end injection capillary electrophoresis mode
Final Program & Book of Abstracts, 25th International Symposium on Microscale BioSeparations MSB 2010, year: 2010
In-capillary nanoreactor based on transverse diffusion of laminar flow profiles for cytochrome P450 2C9 isoform reaction with diclofenac
Book of Abstracts, 17th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid Phase-Separation Techniques ITP 2010, year: 2010
Monitoring of Cytochrome P450 2C9 isoform reaction with Diclofenac by In-Capillary System based on Transverse Diffusion of Laminar Flow Profiles
Book of Abtracts 16th Latin-American Symposium LACE 2010, year: 2010
On-line drug metabolites generation and their subsequent target analysis by capillary zone electrophoresis with UV-absorption detection
Electrophoresis, year: 2010, volume: 31, edition: 19
Study of Atypical Kinetic Behaviour of Cytochrome P450 2C9 Isoform with Diclofenac at Low Substrate Concentrations by Sweeping-MEKC Combination
Journal of Separation Science, year: 2010, volume: 33, edition: 20
Application of sweeping - MEKC combination for monitoring of diclofenac reaction with cytochrome P450 2C9 isoform
Book of Abstracts 15th American symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical and Pharmaceutical and Industrial Application of CE and Microchip Technology, year: 2009
Kinetic study of cytochrome P450 2C9 reaction with diclofenac by MEKC combined with a sweeping technique
Proceedeing of XVI. Euroanalysis symposium, year: 2009
Screening Of Drug Stability Against Microsomes By Means Of Capillary Electrophoresis
Book of Abstracts 15th American symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical and Pharmaceutical and Industrial Application of CE and Microchip Technology, year: 2009