prof. Ulf Büntgen, PhD
Assistant professor, Department of Geography
Total number of publications: 213
Sudden disappearance of yew (Taxus baccata) woodlands from eastern England coincides with a possible climate event around 4.2 ka ago
Quaternary Science Reviews, year: 2024, volume: 323, edition: January 2024, DOI
Tamm review: Drought-induced Scots pine mortality – trends, contributing factors, and mechanisms
Forest Ecology and Management, year: 2024, volume: 561, edition: June 2024, DOI
Temperature-induced germination pulses above the alpine tree line
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, year: 2024, volume: 56, edition: 1, DOI
The IPCC's reductive Common Era temperature history
Communications Earth and Environment, year: 2024, volume: 5, edition: 1, DOI
Tree-ring blue intensity measurements from treeline sites in the Ural Mountains exhibit a strong summer temperature signal
Dendrochronologia, year: 2024, volume: 88, edition: December, DOI
Tree-ring hydrological research in the Himalaya: State of the art and future directions
Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment, year: 2024, DOI
Tree-Ring Chronologies from the Upper Treeline in the Russian Altai Mountains Reveal Strong and Stable Summer Temperature Signals
Forests, year: 2024, volume: 15, edition: 8, DOI
Tree-ring stable isotopes in cellulose and lignin methoxy groups reveal different age-related behaviour
Quaternary International, year: 2024, volume: 693, edition: May 2024, DOI
Tree-ring δ18O and δ2H stable isotopes reflect the global meteoric water line
Frontiers in Earth Science, year: 2024, volume: 12, edition: December, DOI
A frequency-optimised temperature record for the Holocene
Environmental Research Letters, year: 2023, volume: 18, edition: 11, DOI