Total number of publications: 419
Současná mikrobiální ekotoxikologie půdy a její přínos pro hodnocení ekologických rizik
ERA 97: Hodnocení rizik pro životní prostředí, year: 1997, number of pages: 11 s.
Strategie ČR v oblasti persistentních organických polutantů (POPs).
Ochrana ovzduší, year: 1997, volume: 2, edition: 9
The effect of fluoranthene on the germination of plants.
Toxicol. Environ. Chem., year: 1997, volume: 60, edition: 6
Polycyklické aromatické uhlovodíky (PAHs) v prostředí
Year: 1996, number of pages: 230 s.
Project TOCOEN - The fate of selected organic pollutants in the environment. Part XXVI. The effect of fluoranthene on the germination of plants.
Toxicol. Environ. Chem., year: 1996, volume: 1996, edition: 52
Project TOCOEN - The fate of selected organic pollutants in the environment. Part XXVII. The effect of fluoranthene on the growth of lettuce
Project TOCOEN - The fate of selected organic pollutants in, year: 1996, number of pages: 6 s.
Project TOCOEN, Fate of Selected Organic Compounds in the Environment. Part XXVII. Main Sources, Emission Factors and Input of PAHs in the Czech Republic
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, year: 1996, volume: 9, edition: 1-4
Project TOCOEN, Fate of Selected Organic Compounds in the Environment. Part XXVIII. Levels of PAHs and Some Halogenated POPs in Ambient Air in the Czech Republic
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, year: 1996, volume: 9, edition: 1-4
Project TOCOEN.
Archiwum Ochrony Srodowiska, year: 1996, volume: 3, edition: 4
Emise a emisní faktory persistentních organických polutantů.
Ochrana ovzduší, year: 1995, volume: 1,2, edition: 7