Take a look back with us to see where we have progressed in addition to the selection procedures:
There was an external Gender Audit conducted at the Faculty of Science MU. Its outputs became the Faculty's basis for the MU Gender Equality Plan, which is a mandatory element of Horizon Europe from 2022. The audit was carried out by Open Society o. p. s. For more information on the audit conclusions please click here.
During November 2021, four full-day management skills training sessions were held for supervisors of the Faculty of Science MU, as a part of the HR Excellence in Research Award/HRS4R action plan. The lecturer from Image Lab, MUDr. Mgr. Vratislav Kalenda, MSc., prepared an experiential training for the participants, which included management games, case studies allowing to simulate decision-making in challenging managerial situations, theoretical blocks focused on management and organization of teamwork, employee motivation and commitment or training in handling critical situations in communication.
We worked hard to fill the content of the Employee Portal related to the care of employees, i.e. the Faculty HR section. You can look forward to its launch in the coming weeks in both the Czech and English versions and you will find information on e.g. benefits, jobs and careers, evaluation and remuneration, collective bargain agreement, parental leave, paternity care, etc. there.
The first 6 Faculty departments and 3 Dean's Office workplaces have successfully completed their staff evaluation. In the last quarter of this year, we have also been intensively preparing another 5 Faculty departments and 8 workplaces for their first evaluation run in 2022. In the background, we are providing inputs and analyses for improving the user interface of the university's Evak application within the working group at the Rector's Office.
What are we particularly but not only planning for the coming year:
All-round support for departments and workplaces conducting staff evaluation, including training on How to conduct evaluation interviews and providing technical training on the Evak application. Also, continuous improvement of the Evak user interface.
Developing Faculty content on the Employee Portal, from a "Persona" alias "My situation...." and "I need to find out...." perspectives.
Preparation of the Faculty Gender Equality Implementation Plan, in relation to the just published MU Gender Equality Plan and the commitments arising from it.
Automation of support for newly recruited colleagues – onboarding.
Developing an educational concept especially for early-stage researchers, PhD students and postdocs.
Would you like to influence the new people strategy at the Faculty? Your suggestions regarding employee care are always welcome and the HR Award Focus Group split into 5 sub-working groups is open to new members. Please write to us.
We want to thank you for your kind support and wish you Merry Christmas. We are looking forward to our further cooperation in the year 2022.
SCI MUNI HR Award team