Invitation to the 11th Session of the AS SCI MUNI for the Term of Office 2023-2026
which will take place from 3:00 pm on Monday 31st March 2025 in dean's meeting room B17/432 in Bohunice campus
or the term of office 2023–2026, including the schedule of tasks and deadlines
Dear colleagues, dear academic staff, and students of the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University,
in accordance with the Election Rules of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Science of the MU (hereinafter referred to as the "Election Rules"), I hereby announce elections to the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Science of the MU (hereinafter referred to as the "Senate") for the term of office from September 1st, 2023, to August 31st, 2026, and establish this schedule of tasks and deadlines:
Elections are organized and managed in accordance with the electoral rules by the Electoral and Mandate Commission of the Senate. For communication with this committee, use only electronic mail sent through the Information System of Masaryk University to the e-mail address (Article 1, paragraph 3 of the Election Rules).
I believe that you will use this opportunity to exercise your right to influence the future direction of our faculty, either by your own candidacy or by electing your representatives in the highest representative body of the faculty's academic self-government.
In Brno on April 26, 2023
Assoc. prof. Jan Lochman, Ph.D.
Chairman of AS PřF MU in the term of office 2020-2023
which will take place from 3:00 pm on Monday 31st March 2025 in dean's meeting room B17/432 in Bohunice campus
which took place from 3:00 pm on Monday 24th February 2025 in meeting room B17/432 in Bohunice campus.