Days of Electron Microscopy 2025
24 – 30 March 2025
- Science Faculty, Masasaryk Univeristy, campus Kotlářská 2: Botanical Garden, Buildings No. 6 and No. 9 and Brno Observatory and Planetarium
As the capital city of electron microscopy, Brno presents the Days of Electron Microscopy 2025. The week-long event takes place this year from March 24 - 30 and is associated with various lectures and exhibitions for the public, families with children, and professionals. The event is organized by the Brno Observatory and Planetarium and, together with its partners, offers a taste of what electron microscopy makes possible. Take a look at the entire program of the event. You can look forward to lectures, exhibitions, excursions and much more.
Days of Electron Microscopy 2025
For the second time, the Department of Plasma Physics and Technology and the CEPLANT center together with the Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University are participating in the event. Joined by students of a new master study programme Microscopy by the Department of Condensed Matter Physics we present the following preliminary program to the general public at the premises of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University (campus Kotlářská 2) and the Brno Observatory and Planetarium.

Exhibition – Secrets of plant surfaces
1 - 30 March 2025, daily from 9 AM to 3 PM
greenhouses of the Botanical Garden
Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Brno, Kotlářská 2
Přijďte odhalit tajemství povrchů rostlin zachycených skenovacím elektronovým mikroskopem TESCAN Mira 3 centra CEPLANT. Výstava přibližuje oku neviditelné mikrostruktury, vyskytující se na nadzemních částech rostlin. Rostliny jsou pokryty pokožkou s rozličnými tvary průduchů, chlupů, voskových šupin a dalších zajímavých útvarů, které jim zajišťují jedinečné vlastnosti. Výstava představuje na 17 panelech snímky povrchů 36 druhů rostlin z 23 čeledí. Svým rozsahem a zaměřením je tato výstava v rámci České republiky zcela ojedinělá!
Come and discover the secrets of plant surfaces captured by the scanning electron microscope TESCAN Mira 3 of the CEPLANT Centre. The exhibition brings out the invisible microstructures on the above-ground parts of plants. Plants are covered with skin with different shapes of stomata (air vents), hairs, waxy scales and other interesting formations that provide them with unique properties. The exhibition presents images of the surfaces of 36 plant species from 23 families in 17 panels. The scope and focus of this exhibition is quite unique in the Czech Republic!

Michal Gerža: Asian hornet under electron microscope
Wednesday, 26 March 2025 from 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM
presentation by a univeristy student in lecture room at Brno Observatory and Planetarium, Kraví hora 522/2
The Asian hornet is an elite killer. Did you know that the lethal perfection of its weaponry is best seen under an electron microscope? Come and marvel at the perfectly rendered details that distinguish this invasive predator from our peaceful honeybees. Fascinating images of compound eyes, pupae or wing hooks await you, with details that the human eye simply cannot see. Let yourself be inspired by electron microscopy as seen through the eyes of a university student who is studying the subject.

Štěpán Březovják: A message from a workshop or a messenger from outer space? Searching for micrometeorites
Wednesday, 26 March, from 06 PM to 07 PM
lecture from a college student in Brno Observatory and Planetarium's digital dome, Kraví hora 522/2
Meteorites - everyone has heard of them, and many people find them frightening. But did you know that the smallest of them - micrometeorites - can take the form of tiny magnetic spheres, only fractions of a millimeter in size? They're constantly hitting the Earth's surface, and their small size makes electron microscopy an excellent tool for studying them. It's important to note that not every small, round, magnetic object you find is a heroic messenger from space! Even your neighbor might unknowingly send you a little magnetic "villain" from their workshop.
This talk will cover micrometeorites, the common myths surrounding them, and the challenges involved in locating them.

Physics Café: Microverse villains or heroes undre the electron microscope
Thursday, 27 March 2025 from 5 PM to 6:30 PM
lecture room F2, building No. 6, Kotlářská 2
The lecture by dr. Zlata Kelar Tučeková at Physics Café will be devoted to the physical basics of electron microscopy for general public and high schoolers. Of course, there will be villains and heroes of all kinds, from microscopic ones to large, macroscopic ones.
Registration is not required. The lecture is intended for high school teachers, high schoolers, knowledgeable public, and science teachers. Only in CZECH.

3D Screening: Villains or Heroes in Microverse 3D
Friday, 28 March, 2025 from 9 AM to 5 PM
Saturday, 29 March, 2025 from 9 AM to 5 PM
Sunday, 30 March, 2025 from 9 AM to 5 PM
Botanical Garden of the MUNI Faculty of Science
entrace from the Veveří street will be opened
The Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University, the Department of Plasma Physics and Technology with the CEPLANT Centre invites you to the 3D screening "Villains or Heroes of Microverse 3D". The narrated projection will be screened every hour on the hour at the entrance to the greenhouses of the Botanical Garden. To enter the greenhouses, a standard entrance ticket is required. The entrance from Veveří Street will be open for the duration of the event. The event is sponsored by TESCAN GROUP, a.s.
Registration is not necessary. Suitable for the general public and families with children.

Is physics a hero or a villain?
Friday, 28 March, 2025, from 12 AM to 1 PM
Saturday, 29 March, 2025, from 10 AM to 11 AM
lecture room F2, Building No.6, Kotlářská 2
A lecture with a quiz and experiments - Do you like physics? No? We do get it. Physics can be pretty snarky and sneaky. But its laws apply to everyone. See electron microscopy through the eyes of physics! The lecture will be accompanied by spectacular images, interesting experiments, and the chance to compete in a quiz. Stand up to treacherous physics and thrash it! Remember your cell phones.
Friday's program is designed for high school students. Reservations required for schools - tschmidtova(at)
Saturday's program is for the general public and families with children. Reservations are not necessary.

Electron microscope laboratory and plasma physics labs
Friday, March 28, 2025, from 09:30 PM, 11:00 PM
Saturday, March 29, 2025, from 11 PM, 12:30 PM and in English at 2 AM
CEPLANT and Department of Plasma Physics and Technology laboratories
lower level of building 6, Kotlářská 2
There are all kinds of bad guys and heroes in the labs. In our labs, plasma governs them all. With plasma, we can cover drill bits with "indestructible" film, force a drop of water to spill or escape from a surface, and change materials at their basic level within just a moment. You will see the results of our scientists' work not only with your own eyes but also with the detectors of an electron microscope.
Friday's excursion for high school students is already reserved.
Registration for open time slots is required, each time for 12 people.
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