Project information
Human sexuality and culture: general antropological and sexuological analysis
- Project Identification
- GA403/05/2552
- Project Period
- 1/2005 - 12/2007
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Standard Projects
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
- prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Malina, DrSc.
- RNDr. Taťána Antošová
- doc. Ing. Marie Dohnalová, CSc.
- doc. RNDr. Miroslav Králík, Ph.D.
- prof. MUDr. Vladimír Novotný, DrSc.
- doc. RNDr. Václav Vančata, CSc.
- Mgr. Marina Vančatová, Ph.D.
- doc. MUDr. Jaroslav Zvěřina, CSc.
- Keywords
- Human Sexuality, Culture, Sexuology, Anthropological Analysis
The study of sexuality has had a long tradition in natural sciences and humanities. The project will provide, thanks to multidisciplinary approach based on the grounds of biological and socio-cultural anthropology, a complex view of behavior pattern, ofb iological conditionality, of philosophical, psychological and ethical sources, coincidences and specific features of these entities in all basic cultural-historical areas, from their rise and development up to their contemporary state and itsperspectives . Human sexuality has a complex character, biological and biocultural properties influence socio-cultural and cultural features that again influence by the feedback effect, by sexual selection for example, biological and biosocial features.Deep roots of human sexuality and its origin during paleolithic and neolithic times, could cause that many archaic features of human sexuality overcame and acquired a transcultural character. Interdisciplinary analysis of human sexuality and its various
Total number of publications: 10
ANTROPOLOGICKÝ SLOVNÍK (s přihlédnutím k dějinám literatury a umění) aneb co by mohl o člověku vědět každý člověk
Year: 2009, edition: Vyd. 1., number of pages: 4738 s.
Nuove indagini sui sarcofagi pagani e paleocristiani di Roma
Year: 2008, type: Requested lectures
Kruh prstenu: Světové dějiny sexuality, erotiky a lásky od počátků do současnosti v reálném životě, krásné literatuře, výtvarném umění a dílech českých malířů a sochařů inspirovaných obsahem této knihy
Year: 2007, number of pages: 1200 s.
Slovník pro studenty antropologie I. A - L
Year: 2007, number of pages: 987 s.
Bohumír Matal
Year: 2006, number of pages: 276 s.
Slovník antropologie občanské společnosti
Year: 2006, number of pages: 778 s.
Kruh prstenu: Z díla sochaře Zdeňka Macháčka a malířky Marty Taberyové.
Year: 2005, type: Exposition
Panoráma biologické a sociokulturní antropologie 21: Čína z antropologické perspektivy
Year: 2005, number of pages: 475 s.
La statuette du soi-dit Christ enseignant au Museo Nazionale Romano. Remarques a propos de son identification et son style
Schmuck und Tracht der Antike im Laufe der Zeit. Anodos 3, year: 2003
Les tenons dans la sculpture grecque, romaine et paléochrétienne
SPFFBU - N 8, year: 2003, volume: N 8, edition: 1