Project information
Physical and chemical properties of advanced materials and structures
- Project Identification
- MSM0021622410
- Project Period
- 1/2005 - 12/2011
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Science
- Other MU Faculty/Unit
Central European Institute of Technology
- Keywords
- not available at the moment
The subject of the present research plan consists in the study of selected classes of materials and phenomena specified in the following list: (1) self-organized nanostructures, superlattices, quantum wells, wires, and dots, (2) high-temperature superconductors, superconductor / magnetic superlattices, (3) selected bulk materials of technological importance and impurities, (4) polymers with silicon backbone, (5) thermodynamical properties, phase transformations, diffusion and ordering in advanced intermetallic compounds and thin films, (6) preparation of oxide and hybrid materials by non-conventional procedures and studies of the process mechanisms. The plan integrates the fields of study of several physics and chemistry groups of the Faculty of Science. It is related to the running plan MSM 143100002 entitled "Physical properties of advanced materials and layered structures" and assumes a significant expansion of its tasks. Joining several related advanced research directions is in line with the planned advancement of the Faculty and University towards prominent research institutions. Focused and interconnected efforts utilizing different available resources of the Faculty of Science are considered to be a major step towards their optimal exploitation.
Total number of publications: 481
Racemic monoperoxovanadium(V) complexes with achiral OO and ON donor set heteroligands: synthesis, crystal structure and stereochemistry of [NH3(CH2)(2)NH3][VO(O-2)(ox)(pic)].2H(2)O and [NH3(CH2)(2)NH3][VO(O-2)(ox)(pca)]
Dalton transactions : an international journal of organic chemistry, year: 2005, volume: 2005, edition: 13
V. pracovní setkání fyzikálních chemiků a elektrochemiků, year: 2005
Simulation of Carbon and Nitrogen Redistribution in 15CrMoV 2-5-3 / P91 Experimental Weld Joint
EUROMAT 2005, year: 2005
Sol-Gel Preparation of Y3Sc5-xGaxO12 (YSGG): phase formation problems
Chemija 2005, year: 2005
Sonochemical synthesis of metal oxides and phosphates
Pacifichem 2005 - ENVR 531, year: 2005
Sonochemická příprava oxidů železa a kobaltu
ChemZi, year: 2005
Spontaneous lateral modulation in short-period superlattices investigated by grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction
Physical Review B, year: 2005, volume: 72, edition: 3
Studium optických anomálií v granátech z Ca-skarnů brněnského, šumperského a žulovského masivu
Geol.výzk. Mor. Slez. v r. 2004, year: 2005, volume: XII/2005, edition: 1
Studium substitučních a kondenzačních reakcí organohlinitých sloučenin
ChemZi, year: 2005
Symposium Ab Initio (First Principles) and Atomistic Modelling (in the range of the Congress EUROMAT 2005).
Year: 2005, type: Conference