Project information
Functional-differential equations and mathematical-statistical models
- Project Identification
- MSM 143100001
- Project Period
- 1/1999 - 12/2004
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Science
- Keywords
- Functional-differential equations;ordinary differential equations;difference equations;qualitative theory;multivariate statistical analysis;nonparametric smoothing.
Total number of publications: 287
LQ Optimal Control in the Presence of Constraints
Datastat 99, Folia Fac. Sci. Nat. Univ. Masaryk. Brunensis, Mathematica 9, year: 2001
Neparametrická diskriminační analýza
Sborník prací 11. letní školy ROBUST 2000, year: 2001
Nonexistence of positive solutions of PDE's with p-Laplacian
Acta Math. Hungar, year: 2001, volume: 90, edition: 1-2
Nonoscillation criteria for half-linear second order difference equations
Comput. Math. Appl., year: 2001, volume: 42, edition: 3-5, DOI
O nekatorykh kraevykh zadachakh dlia nelineinykh funkcionalno-differencialnykh uravnenij
Differ. Uravn., year: 2001, volume: T 37, edition: 6
Obyčejné diferenciální rovnice
Year: 2001, edition: Vyd. 2., number of pages: 207 s.
Odběr transplantátů periferních kmenových buněk krvetvorby u dobrovolných dárců -sourozenců nemocných
Vnitřní lékařství, year: 2001, volume: 47, edition: Supplement
On Asymptotic Properties of a Strongly Nonlinear Differential Equation
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, year: 2001, volume: 51, edition: 126
On Kneser solutions of nonlinear third order differential equations
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, year: 2001, volume: 261, edition: 1
On nonnegative solutions of first order scalar functional differential equations
Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, year: 2001, volume: 2001, edition: 23