Mgr. Martina Martišová, Ph.D.
Terrestrial Invertebrate Research Group
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Terrestrial Invertebrate Research Group
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Total number of publications: 17
Vesmír, year: 2008, volume: 87, edition: 6
Journal of Arachnology, year: 2007, volume: 35, edition: 3
Journal of Animal Ecology, year: 2005, volume: 74, edition: 1
Acta Oecologica, year: 2005, volume: 28, edition: 3
Živa, year: 2004, volume: 52, edition: 1
Biologie a regulace plevelů, year: 2003
Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem., year: 2001, volume: 65