Total number of publications: 108
Computational Analysis of Protein Tunnels and Channels
Protein Engineering. Methods in Molecular Biology, year: 2018, number of pages: 18 s.
Computer-assisted engineering of hyperstable fibroblast growth factor 2
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, year: 2018, volume: 115, edition: 4, DOI
Evolutionary Analysis As a Powerful Complement to Energy Calculations for Protein Stabilization
ACS Catalysis, year: 2018, volume: 8, edition: 10, DOI
Exploration of Enzyme Diversity by Integrating Bioinformatics with Expression Analysis and Biochemical Characterization
ACS Catalysis, year: 2018, volume: 8, edition: 3, DOI
Impact of the access tunnel engineering on catalysis is strictly ligand-specific
the FEBS Journal, year: 2018, volume: 285/2018, edition: 8, DOI
Molecular Gating of an Engineered Enzyme Captured in Real Time
Journal of the American Chemical Society, year: 2018, volume: 140, edition: 51, DOI
Pyrazolotriazines as inhibitors of nucleases
Publisher: Japan Patent Office, state: Japan, patent's number: JP 6313906, year: 2018
Pyrazolotriazines as inhibitors of nucleases
Publisher: USPTO, state: United States of America, patent's number: US 9969741 B2, year: 2018
Ancestral Haloalkane Dehalogenases Show Robustness and Unique Substrate Specificity
CHEMBIOCHEM, year: 2017, volume: 18, edition: 14, DOI
Catalytic Cycle of Haloalkane Dehalogenases Toward Unnatural Substrates Explored by Computational Modeling
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING, year: 2017, volume: 57, edition: 8, DOI